Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Nebraska Learns 2.0

It seems rather appropriate that I post again on this blog exactly 1 year since my last posting. Well, I can't say that I will continue to generate postings of any substance or consistency. But I am beginning the Nebraska Learns 2.0 course.

I am struggling with what to put down on my learning contract. I think this has a lot to do with the lifelong learner habits with which I have the most difficulty. Habits 1 through 4 are probably the most difficult for me. I don't set goals very well, because I know that in setting a goal, I set up an opportunity for failure. This in turn addresses my inability to accept responsibility for myself and my learning. As a result, I do not see the problems as challenges but as roadblocks and reasons why I should not have set up a goal in the first place. Thus I do not have confidence in my self. How's that for a peek at the inner psychological machinations of my mind?

But with a little accountability, I will make it through this course and learn something.

I have some tools already that I use to promote learning. I have an extensive set of RSS feeds that I monitor via the RSS Feed Reader in Internet Explorer, as well as a variety of e-newsletters that I receive. These help me to stay abreast of issues in some topics. I then redistribute relevant information to the faculty to assist in their own learning process. So, I think habits 5-7 would be the easiest for me.

I am realizing that this post is an exercise in TMI. But it may be healthy for me to continue. It may not be healthy for you (or your opinion of me) to continue. Just a warning that I can be at times extremely reflective in my online ramblings.

Something said in the video that struck a note with me related to Habit 4, I think. It had to do with associating a word with yourself which then becomes true for yourself. I realized that a certain truth about myself had changed as a result of a shift in how I viewed myself. The word became reality. Now, in this instance, I think it is a negative concept. I now need to reverse that process with positive self-speak. I think therefore I am. Hmmm....maybe I should cite that quote. But since no one chose to continue reading past my warning, I can say whatever I want here. Of course, if anyone is reading this, I would hope they would never admit to being so nosey and intrusive. Hence I have now addressed habit 7 1/2. Tra-la-a-la-la-la!!!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Okay, I guess I have to admit to being nosy and intrusive. I read your whole post :) Glad you are participating in Nebraska Learns 2.0! I enjoy your Facebook status updates, and look forward to getting to know you better through your blog!