Tuesday, May 12, 2009

RSS feeds

I love RSS feeds. I have a long list of blogs and other sites that I track in the Feeds reader built into IE. I keep it set up to the left of my browser window, so I can stay up to date on a variety of topics. I often will pass news and other information along to people, such as faculty here at Grace University to whom it may interest. I have not yet used the news alerts and such as we are working on in this lesson before to track the library or school. I chose to follow Grace University in most instances because we are a small school and I was not getting any results in my initial searches. So I am tracking my library's community. I have already encountered a quote by one of our professors in the Lincoln Journal Star, as well as some tweets related to our school, including one by a prospective student. I will post on the results of my responses and all later.

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